Say Hello to SparkThink Assessments

Let SparkThink do the work for you.

What is it?

  • A Slalom assessment is a digital tool that has been developed by the Slalom SparkThink team that allows Slalom consultants to perform an assessment on a client’s organizational capability maturity or transformational readiness.​
  • The assessment can be facilitated in several ways:​ One-off assessment that captures a snapshot of the organization at a point in time​ and repeated assessments that captures the progression of the organization over time​
  • Our priority is to support any standard Slalom assessment, including Modern Culture of Data, AI for All, Future of Work, Agile Transformation, Cloud/DevOps and others!


What assessments are supported during the pilot?​

Only MCoD, AI for All and FOW assessment templates are supported during the pilot.​

Who is an ideal candidate to be a participating consultant?​

The participating consultants should have a confirmed client assessment opportunity for  that would be able to complete within June to October timeframe. ​

How many participating consultants or assessments are required for the pilot?​

We are targeting a minimum of 1000 responses per assessment template (e.g. MCoD) so that there can be enough activity to validate the assessment experience and data collection.​

Can I customize an assessment template for my project/client?​

The core assessment template questions are fixed and cannot be changed. However, you can configure other aspects such as the background image, logo, information slides, as well as adding some optional questions at the end of the assessment.​

I am seeing an issue with SparkThink assessment! How can it be resolved?​

Please escalate the issue to the SparkThink Pilot Teams Channel.​

The assessment won’t be complete by the official end of the pilot, what should I do?​

You will be able to complete your assessment even after the official pilot program has completed.​

I need a change to the assessment application, can it be implemented during the pilot?​

Please escalate the request to the SparkThink Pilot Teams Channel. We can determine if the priority and effort of the change, although new or changed capabilities/functionality are intended to implemented after we have consolidated feedback from the pilot.​

What future capabilities are planned?​

Proposed future capabilities include SparkThink dashboards to display and analyze assessment results, assessment template builder, and enhanced configuration options for each assessment template. Please let us know if you have any suggestions!​

I need the questions in the assessment template changed, can this be done?​

The core template questions are standardized (non-customizable) in order to ensure consistency across assessments and generate benchmark data across industries and clients. However you can add your own custom or optional questions after the core assessment questions. ​

What future capabilities are planned?​

Proposed future capabilities include SparkThink dashboards to display and analyze assessment results, assessment template builder, and enhanced configuration options for each assessment template. Please let us know if you have any suggestions!​