Adding Language Translations in a Survey

One of the most exciting new features released is the ability to support a variety of different languages within your SparkThink survey. This allows you to design your survey in a primary language (e.g. English), but allow you to setup your survey in secondary language for respondents (e.g. German) who would prefer to take the survey in another language. In addition, all the survey controls (like "Next" and "Previous") will be displayed in the selected language.

Setting up the Survey

  1. Create your survey as you normally would in English.

2. Navigate to the 'Settings' tab at the top.

3. Scroll down until you find the "Language" section

Step 4: Confirm correct primary language has been selected. This determines the primary language of the survey content added through the "Editor".

Step 5. Check the box under "Translate To" to enable translation for the chosen language. And then press the "Add+" button to enter your translations.

Step 6. You'll see all the original survey questions in the column on the left, and a text box on the right to enter the translation. Continue down the page until you've provided translations for all survey questions and click "Save Translations".

Note that SparkThink does not translate questions for you, but allows you to enter translations that will be shown when the user selects that language.

That's it! Now your respondents can take the survey in the primary and secondary language(s).

Taking the Survey as a Respondent

Once translations are enabled, the survey respondent will see a language option drop down menu on the welcome screen, top right corner. From there they can select the primary language and secondary language(s).

If the respondent's preferred browser language matches one of the enabled language translations, then the respondent will be displayed that particular survey language version. They can also manually choose from the dropdown on the survey "Welcome" screen. E.g. if they select French, they will be shown the French version of your survey and all of the instructions on the page will be in French.



You can also reverse this process and have your default language set to French and translate it to English by selecting French as your default. When you enter the translation page, you'll see your French questions in the left hand column and the empty text boxes on the right where you enter the English version.

We're consistently adding more languages, so please feel free to provide feedback!