What's new in Workshop for May 2022

There's a splash of new Workshop features coming your way in May 2022!

New Multiple Choice Activities + More!

Check out this video hosted by our very own Chris Sallquist.

  • The new Multiple Choice workshop activity - allowing participants to vote by selecting one or more items from a pre-defined list.
  • A revised "New Activity" modal - when adding new activities, there is now a description for each activity so you can visualize the type of activity that you want to build for your workshop!
  • The ability to send ideas from a brainstorm activity - this allows you to send ideas during your workshop to your favorite voting activity (evaluation or multiple choice) that you pre-configured before the workshop.

Other Workshop Updates

You are now also able to randomize the ideas presented to participants in an Evaluation activity. This randomization reduces bias from introduced by the question order and survey fatigue.

To enable this randomization setting, select your Evaluation activity and then toggle "Randomize Idea Order" under "Participant Display".

In case you missed our April 2022 update, we made a host of sweeping changes across the Workshop UI. Check out this previous video by Chris Sallquist that explains some of the differences.