Anonymous links do not capture the names or emails of respondents. There is no way to track the identity of a respondent who clicks on an anonymous link. “Slalom” links, on the other hand, do capture the name and email address of respondents who click on the link. However, a Slalom link requires that respondents login with their Slalom credentials, therefore this link should only be used for internal surveys.

Use the “Add survey link” button when you want to create a single link that you can send to respondents from a variety of channels (email, Teams, SMS, etc.). Use the “Add email invitation” when you want to send individual custom links to a group of specified respondents via email.

Yes. You can create as many links and email invitations as you’d like. And while each link and invitation is separate from the others (some may be anonymous while others are Slalom login-enabled for example) they each point to your survey.

Creating multiple links and email invitations allows you to segment your links by audience or groups. For example, you may create a link that is just for your team so they can test the survey, while also creating an email invitation for your client respondents. This allows you to manage each group individually.

Yes. Whenever a respondent clicks on an anonymous link they are able to take the survey from the start, even though they may have already taken the survey. If someone does click on the link multiple times and completes the survey each time, their results will show up as unique individual answers.

Yes. We do not collect any unique identifiers from anonymous links.

We collect the following data when a respondent clicks on an anonymous link: Date and time, “Collector ID” (the ID associated with the link you set up in your survey), and “Collector Name” (the name you assigned to that link in your survey). We do not collect names, email addresses or any other unique identifiers when respondents click on an anonymous link.

No. If a respondent clicks on an anonymous link but doesn’t actually start the survey, that session is tracked as unique and will not be associated with any future responses they provide when they click on your anonymous link.

How can I avoid people clicking on an anonymous link multiple times and skewing my survey results?

We strongly suggest that you provide clear instructions to respondents in your initial invite (whether that’s email, SMS, Teams Chat, etc.) letting them know that they should only take the survey once.

The only way to correlate a unique identifier to respondents’ answers is to ask them to enter a unique identifier in the survey. For example, you could insert a text-entry question at the beginning of your survey that requires them to provide their name, email address, role, etc.

If someone clicks on an anonymous link but does not click on the “Get Started” button, the click will not register as an “In Progress voter.” However, whenever a respondent clicks on the “Get Started” button, they are counted as “In progress” and the number of “In Progress Voters”

How does a “Slalom” link work?
When a respondent clicks on a Slalom link, they are required to enter their Slalom login credentials before they can access your survey. Once respondents login, SparkThink automatically captures their name and Slalom email address so you can correlate their answers to their name in your results. Respondents who click on a Slalom link can only complete your survey once. If they start your survey but leave before completing it, they can click on their Slalom link to pick up the survey where they left off. Once they complete the last question, however, they will not be able to take the survey again.


No. You can send your link (whether it’s an anonymous or Slalom link) as many times as you wish through multiple channels (email, Teams, SMS, etc.).

This is a way for you to keep track of all the links and email invitations you’ve created in your survey, and allows you to access them from the main Share screen.