
We've now covered the foundations, queries, and mutations in our previous articles about the SparkThink API. In this article, we will list the individual objects listed in the SparkThink API (this is our SparkThink API public schema).

interface Activity {
  id: ID!
  content: ActivityContent
  metadata: Metadata

interface ActivityContent {
  title: String

interface AnswerOption {
  id: ID!
  label: String

type AnswerSelection {
  id: ID!
  label: String
  additionalUserInput: String

type Assessment implements Project {
  id: ID!
  clientName: String
  coverImageUrl: String
  description: String
  metadata: Metadata
  status: Status
  theme: String
  title: String
  teamMembers: [ProjectUser!]!
  responses(first: Int = 100, after: String): ResponseReturn
  respondents(first: Int = 100, after: String): RespondentReturn

type Attribute {
  name: String
  value: String

input AttributeInput {
  name: String!
  value: String!

type Brainstorm implements Activity {
  id: ID!
  content: BrainstormContent
  displayMode: BrainstormDisplayMode
  metadata: Metadata

type BrainstormContent implements ActivityContent {
  title: String
  attribution: Boolean

enum BrainstormDisplayMode {

type Collector {
  id: ID!
  status: String
  type: String
  displayName: String
  completedUsers: Int
  inProgressUsers: Int
  invitedUsers: Int
  notStartedUsers: Int
  totalUsers: Int
  respondents: [SurveyRespondent!]!
  surveyLink: String
  testMode: Boolean

enum CollectorType {

enum CompareOperator {

input ContactDetailsByEmail {
  firstName: String!
  lastName: String!
  email: String!
  attributes: [AttributeInput!]

input ContactDetailsByID {
  contactId: String!
  attributes: [AttributeInput!]

type Evaluation implements Activity {
  id: ID!
  content: EvaluationContent
  displayMode: EvaluationDisplayMode
  metadata: Metadata

type EvaluationContent implements ActivityContent {
  answers: [GenericAnswerOption]
  questions: [GenericAnswerOption]
  title: String

enum EvaluationDisplayMode {

type GenericAnswerOption implements AnswerOption {
  id: ID!
  label: String

type ListResponse implements Response {
  id: ID!
  active: Boolean
  locale: String
  metadata: Metadata
  questionId: ID!
  collectorId: ID!
  value: [String]

type Logic {
  otherwiseLogicRule: LogicAction
  postLogicRules: [LogicRule]
  preLogicRules: [LogicRule]

type LogicAction {
  contextItemId: String
  contextItemType: String
  targetItemId: String
  targetItemType: String
  verb: Verb

type LogicCondition {
  compareOperator: CompareOperator
  compareValue: String
  compareMin: Int
  compareMax: Int
  contextItemId: String
  contextItemType: String
  sourceItemId: String
  sourceItemType: String

type LogicRule {
  logicRuleId: ID!
  action: LogicAction
  condition: LogicCondition

type MatrixColumn implements AnswerOption {
  id: ID!
  followUpQuestion: String
  hasFollowUp: Boolean
  label: String

type MatrixQuestion implements Question {
  id: ID!
  content: MatrixQuestionContent
  hidden: Boolean
  logic: Logic
  metadata: Metadata
  required: Boolean

type MatrixQuestionContent implements QuestionContent {
  backgroundImageUrl: String
  columns: [MatrixColumn]
  description: String
  moreInfoText: String
  rows: [MatrixRow]
  title: String

type MatrixRow {
  id: ID!
  title: String
  description: String

type Metadata {
  createdBy: ProjectUser
  createdUTC: String
  lastModifiedUTC: String

type MultipleChoiceContent implements QuestionContent {
  allowMultiple: Boolean
  answers: [GenericAnswerOption]
  backgroundImageUrl: String
  description: String
  maxSelectionCount: Int
  moreInfoText: String
  showOther: Boolean
  title: String

type MultipleChoiceQuestion implements Question {
  id: ID!
  content: MultipleChoiceContent
  hidden: Boolean
  logic: Logic
  metadata: Metadata
  required: Boolean

type MultipleChoiceStackContent implements QuestionContent {
  allowMultiple: Boolean
  answers: [GenericAnswerOption]
  backgroundImageUrl: String
  description: String
  maxSelectionCount: String
  moreInfoText: String
  showOther: Boolean
  subQuestions: [MultipleChoiceStackSubQuestion]
  title: String

type MultipleChoiceStackQuestion implements Question {
  id: ID!
  content: MultipleChoiceStackContent
  hidden: Boolean
  logic: Logic
  metadata: Metadata
  required: Boolean

type MultipleChoiceStackSubQuestion {
  id: ID!
  title: String
  description: String

type Mutation {
    surveyId: ID!
    collectorId: ID!
    contacts: [ContactDetailsByID!]!
  ): [SurveyLinkById!]!
    surveyId: ID!
    collectorId: ID!
    contacts: [ContactDetailsByEmail!]!
  ): [SurveyLinkByEmail!]!
    surveyId: ID!
    collectorName: String!
    collectorType: CollectorType
  ): NewCollectorResponse!

type NestedOption {
  id: ID!
  label: String
  value: [AnswerSelection]

type NestedOptionResponse implements Response {
  id: ID!
  active: Boolean
  locale: String
  metadata: Metadata
  options: [NestedOption]
  questionId: ID!
  collectorId: ID!

type NewCollectorResponse {
  surveyId: ID!
  collectorId: String!
  collectorName: String!
  status: String!
  url: String

type NPSLabels {
  left: String
  right: String

type NPSQuestion implements Question {
  id: ID!
  content: NPSQuestionContent
  hidden: Boolean
  logic: Logic
  metadata: Metadata
  required: Boolean

type NPSQuestionContent implements QuestionContent {
  backgroundImageUrl: String
  description: String
  labels: NPSLabels
  showLabels: Boolean
  title: String

type NumericResponse implements Response {
  id: ID!
  active: Boolean
  locale: String
  metadata: Metadata
  questionId: ID!
  collectorId: ID!
  value: Int

type OptionResponse implements Response {
  id: ID!
  active: Boolean
  locale: String
  metadata: Metadata
  questionId: ID!
  collectorId: ID!
  value: [AnswerSelection]

type PageInfo {
  hasNextPage: Boolean

type Poll implements Activity {
  id: ID!
  content: PollContent
  displayMode: PollDisplayMode
  metadata: Metadata

type PollContent implements ActivityContent {
  answers: [GenericAnswerOption]
  title: String

enum PollDisplayMode {

interface Project {
  id: ID!
  clientName: String
  coverImageUrl: String
  description: String
  metadata: Metadata
  status: Status
  theme: String
  title: String
  teamMembers: [ProjectUser!]!
  responses(first: Int = 100, after: String): ResponseReturn
  respondents(first: Int = 100, after: String): RespondentReturn

enum ProjectType {

type ProjectUser {
  id: ID!
  name: String
  email: String
  role: String

type Query {
  project(id: ID!, type: ProjectType): Project
  projects(titleContains: String, type: ProjectType): [Project]
  me: User

interface Question {
  id: ID!
  content: QuestionContent
  hidden: Boolean
  logic: Logic
  metadata: Metadata

interface QuestionContent {
  backgroundImageUrl: String
  description: String
  title: String

type RankingQuestion implements Question {
  id: ID!
  content: RankingQuestionContent
  hidden: Boolean
  logic: Logic
  metadata: Metadata
  required: Boolean

type RankingQuestionContent implements QuestionContent {
  answers: [GenericAnswerOption]
  backgroundImageUrl: String
  description: String
  randomizeAnswers: Boolean
  showOther: Boolean
  title: String

type RatingQuestion implements Question {
  id: ID!
  content: RatingQuestionContent
  hidden: Boolean
  logic: Logic
  metadata: Metadata
  required: Boolean

type RatingQuestionContent implements QuestionContent {
  backgroundImageUrl: String
  description: String
  scaleType: String
  steps: Int
  title: String

type Respondent {
  userId: ID!
  attributes: [RespondentAttribute!]!
  name: String
  email: String
  collectorId: ID!
  collectorTitle: String
  projectId: ID!
  status: RespondentStatus!

type RespondentAttribute {
  key: String
  value: String

type RespondentEdge {
  node: Respondent
  cursor: String

type RespondentReturn {
  edges: [RespondentEdge]
  pageInfo: PageInfo

enum RespondentStatus {

interface Response {
  id: ID!
  active: Boolean
  locale: String
  metadata: Metadata
  questionId: ID!
  collectorId: ID!

type ResponseEdge {
  node: Response
  cursor: String

type ResponseMetrics {
  completedUsers: Int
  inProgressUsers: Int
  invitedUsers: Int

type ResponseReturn {
  edges: [ResponseEdge]
  pageInfo: PageInfo

type SliderLabels {
  left: String
  middle: String
  right: String

type SliderQuestion implements Question {
  id: ID!
  content: SliderQuestionContent
  hidden: Boolean
  logic: Logic
  metadata: Metadata
  required: Boolean

type SliderQuestionContent implements QuestionContent {
  backgroundImageUrl: String
  description: String
  labels: SliderLabels
  showLabels: Boolean
  steps: Int
  title: String

enum Status {

type Survey implements Project {
  id: ID!
  clientName: String
  coverImageUrl: String
  description: String
  metadata: Metadata
  teamMembers: [ProjectUser!]!
  questions: [Question!]!
  collectors: [Collector!]!
  status: Status
  theme: String
  title: String
  responseMetrics: ResponseMetrics
  responses(first: Int = 100, after: String): ResponseReturn
  respondents(first: Int = 100, after: String): RespondentReturn

type SurveyLinkByEmail {
  surveyId: ID!
  email: String!
  url: String!

type SurveyLinkById {
  surveyId: ID!
  contactId: String!
  url: String!

type SurveyRespondent {
  id: ID!
  accessCode: String
  givenName: String
  surname: String
  email: String
  status: String
  attributes: [Attribute!]!

type TextEntryQuestion implements Question {
  id: ID!
  content: TextEntryQuestionContent
  hidden: Boolean
  logic: Logic
  metadata: Metadata
  required: Boolean

type TextEntryQuestionContent implements QuestionContent {
  backgroundImageUrl: String
  description: String
  inputs: Int
  placeholderText: [GenericAnswerOption]
  title: String

type TextInput {
  id: ID!
  userInput: String

type TextResponse implements Response {
  id: ID!
  active: Boolean
  locale: String
  metadata: Metadata
  questionId: ID!
  collectorId: ID!
  value: [TextInput]

type User {
  id: ID!
  name: String
  email: String
  projects: [Project!]!

enum Verb {

type Workshop implements Project {
  id: ID!
  teamMembers: [ProjectUser!]!
  clientName: String
  coverImageUrl: String
  description: String
  metadata: Metadata
  status: Status
  theme: String
  title: String
  activities: [Activity!]!
  responses(first: Int = 100, after: String): ResponseReturn
  participantCount: Int
  respondents(first: Int = 100, after: String): RespondentReturn

Last updated: May 2, 2022