How do I delete responses from an anonymous survey link?

Its pretty clear on how to delete or reset responses for a Slalom-only survey link or email invitation. However, can you delete responses from an anonymous survey link?

The answer is YES! However, it is a bit of a workaround solution at the time of writing. Here's how you do it:

  1. Navigate to your survey project in SparkThink.
  2. Open the "Share" page.
  3. Select the anonymous survey link collector.
  4. You can see how there are existing responses in the survey collector. Click on the "Test Mode" switch to turn it on. Your survey collector will temporarily in test mode.

5. Click the "Test Mode" switch again to immediately turn it off. You will get a confirmation if you want to turn it off. Select "Confirm".

6. You will get another confirmation if you want to keep or remove the responses. Click "Delete Responses". This will remove all previous responses for that survey link collector.

Hey presto, you'll see that your survey link collector now has zero responses! Job done!