We're bringing you new updates to SparkThink. Find out what's new in our Spring '22 release!

Workshop Improvements

We've made one wave of improvements to the existing Workshop UI to make the facilitation experience easier! Check out the video to hear Chris Sallquist explain the new changes to the Workshop UI.

Hope you enjoyed that video! Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the new changes to the Workshop UI.

  1. Changed colors for the live indicators on the activity from red to green.
  2. Ability to show/hide QR Codes and URL banners are now toggle switches, instead of icons.
  3. Number of current active participants are displayed and updated in real-time.
  4. More descriptive buttons for "Show Preview" and "Open Presentation".
  5. Activity "Display Options" now appear alongside the Activity Display Controls.
  6. Activity Display Controls (I.e. "Presentation Display", "Participant Display") have an updated labels to make it more descriptive and display in green when live.
  7. Activity Idea Controls (E.g. "Add Idea", "Copy Idea") now have descriptive labels, instead of icons.

8. Double-click the Idea Card on Evaluation and Brainstorm items to make edits to the Idea Card.

Survey Improvements

  • There are changes to how the “Import Respondent Spreadsheet” feature works for Survey email invitations. You now have to specify “First Name” and “Last Name” separately in the upload spreadsheet (instead of a single “Name” field). If you have an existing spreadsheet format that uses a single "Name" field, you will need to make changes in order to successfully upload the spreadsheet.
  • Rows and columns in Matrix question types now have expanded character limits of 150 characters (expanded from 60 characters). This allows you to provide more detail to your survey!
  • When creating emails messages in Email Invitations, you can now create bulleted lists! This is a small, but welcome change!
  • When you click "delete" on a Survey question within the Survey Editor, you'll be prompted to confirm the deletion.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs that were addressed in this release.

  • When creating a new survey email invitation, the screen starts scrolled halfway down the screen.
  • Survey admin users can add invalid email addresses to survey email invitations.
  • Kebab menu in the "View All Respondent" list on survey collectors do not display menu options.
  • URLs with special characters cannot be used in survey question descriptions.
  • Bulleted lists do not show up in the survey message editor and preview.